Sunday, April 4, 2010

SMU Update 04/04/10

We are all into a regular routine with all of our classes and daily living. We are now pretty much able to order our own food and go around the campus without a problem. With some different classes, we are all pretty much on our own schedule. The majority of us do some sports in the afternoon and then go to the gym at our 1800-2000 allotted time. We are now getting some regular homework and papers for classes so that has consumed some time. I have been spending some free time in the evenings trying to learn more Chinese but it continues to be difficult. I think everyone has increased their vocabulary at least in some fashion. There are plenty of students around that want to practice their English so we may have to barter to learn some Chinese. I think the store clerks and waitresses laugh almost every time we order something or say thank you in Chinese. It is quite humorous to try to pronounce a lot of their words. I think the most important part of this is the cultural knowledge that we are gaining and the language skills comes second.

Adam Silvis is a 2/C cadet and Student Trustee at Massachusetts Maritime Academy

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