Monday, April 5, 2010

SMU Update 04/05/10

I am taking courses in Chinese Business Law, Port Terminal Operations, Marketing, Electronic Commerce, and a Chinese Culture course. Our classes run for 3 hours a day, once a week. They are somehwhat interesting. Each class is taught in English and from the way that the teachers are describing the courses at this time, we will not be taking exams, but rather projects or papers will be due at the end of the semester. Our teachers’ spoken english is pretty good, some obviously better than others, but overall we are able to understand them most of the time.

During the first week of classes we had one day off, as our teacher was out of the country. We took this opportunity to travel into the city and visit one of the famous gardens in Shanghai on the well known Nanjing Road. This was the first time that we traveled via public transit into the city. From the New Campus to the downtown bus station it’s about a 40 minute ride, costing 17 RMB- which is about $2.40. Comparing the ride from the Bourne Bride into Boston it’s MUCH cheaper. The subway system in the city is quite easy to navigate and it costs about $.50 to ride!

Myra Shannon is a 1/c cadet and 6th Company Adjutant majoring in the IMBU program

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