Wednesday, May 26, 2010

SMU Update 5/26/10

The opportunity to come to China and see the growth of the shipping industry in its purest form has been enlightening. There is no way for us to quantify the value of this learning experience abroad. I still cannot believe that I was given this opportunity and it will truly change the dynamics of all our lives. I personally can see the benefit of the cultural knowledge for my future in the maritime industry. From this short experience, I will know more than most in regards to the Chinese consumer and business operations here. Also, the network of professional connections we have established will carry with us throughout our careers. I know that many of us would likely consider employment in China after graduation. Some of us have taken the opportunity to research some companies and MBA programs in China as well. If I have discovered one thing, it is the value of learning Chinese. It has been difficult to take the time to study the language with so many distractions but I will personally strive to get a base of the language within the next year.

In conclusion, this has been a truly fulfilling experience with a lot of unexpected learning opportunities. Although there have been some hiccups, there has been nothing that we haven't been able to work past. I will look forward to recounting our trip upon our return and I will certainly be a strong advocate for the continuity of the program. I'm sure the next group of students will be very eager to travel here next spring. This is yet another addition to the MMA package that sets us apart from other Maritime Academies. It is certainly worth mentioning that there were risks taken to establish this program. I'm happy to say that those were worth it and we will be happy to offer our suggestions to strengthen the metrics of the exchange program. With several weeks left, I'm sure I will have even more feedback to share by the time we leave. I look forward to my return to MMA as well as the Board of Trustees. I hope the Committee Day meeting goes well and I will talk to all of you soon

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